When Can Your Baby Safely Spend the Night in Their Crib?

Written by: Julian Wood



Time to read 7 min

You've got the crib set up, the nursery decorated, and you're ready to bring your little one home. But when can you let your baby sleep in their crib overnight?

Whether you want to use the crib straight away or you're considering co-sleeping for a while (which we strongly advise against), timing is an important consideration for your baby's safety and sleep habits. Particularly when it comes to crib-sleeping.

To put your busy new-parent mind at ease, we've outlined the key points for when your baby can sleep in their crib overnight and what factors come into play.

If you have any questions not answered here, please reach out to our supportive team who are always on hand to help when it comes to baby sleep and all things SnüzPod.

When Can Your Baby Sleep in Their Crib Overnight?

Put simply, your baby can sleep in their crib overnight straight away.

Bedside cribs – the SnüzPod4 in particular – are suitable from birth up to 6 months , or until your little one shows signs of outgrowing the bassinet, so you can safely and confidently make use of your crib right away.

This doesn't mean you should let your baby sleep in a separate room (we'll touch on this in a moment), but it does mean they can safely sleep in their own bed from day 1.

A bedside crib is a popular choice for exactly this reason; you can give your little tyke their own bed but still keep them close and in your room for those all-important bonding moments and easy access for night feeds.

But we know that many new moms, dads, and parents want to make the most of the close contact during the early weeks, so it's also a personal choice.

Is it Safer for Baby to Sleep in a Crib?

While co-sleeping is a common choice for many parents (it’s thought that over 60% of all US mothers bedshare), there are risks associated with it, which you should be aware of if you aren't already.

The AAP, or American Academy of Pediatrics, "urges parents to make sure the baby sleeps on a flat...surface during sleep and strongly discourages bedsharing" as co-sleeping has been linked to a higher risk of SIDS.

There are also other studies that have shown the increased risk of accidental suffocation or strangulation when bedsharing.

However, letting your little one sleep in a bedside crib means they have their own safe space but are still within arm's reach.

Plus, you'll still get the same bonding and closeness benefits without the risk of SIDS or other hazards.

What Age is OK to Leave Baby Overnight?

You shouldn’t let your baby sleep unattended overnight during their crib for the first 6 months - your little one should sleep in the same room as you until they are at least 6 months old.

Alternatively, you can transport the bassinet around the house with you if you have chores to do or need to be in another room.

That's one of the great things about the SnüzPod4; the bassinet cleverly lifts off from the stand, allowing you to take your baby with you wherever you go.

What Age Should You Move Your Baby to Their Own Room?

This lets us move nicely onto the question of when you can put your baby in their own room.

Your baby should sleep in the same room as you until a minimum of 6 months old, preferably up to 12 months old.

The AAP recommends room-sharing for the first year of your baby's life; this reduces the risk of SIDS by as much as 50%.

Being in the same room allows you to act quickly if your little one needs you, and they can feel comforted by your presence throughout the night. Plus, it's easier for you to monitor their breathing and general well-being.

So, while your baby can sleep in their crib overnight straight away, it's still important for them to sleep in your room for the first 6-12 months.

When they reach 12 months, you can start to consider transitioning them into the beautifully set-up nursery you worked so hard on!

When Can You Add Pillows & Blankets to the Crib?

It might be tempting to dress up your baby's crib with cute pillows and blankets, but this is a big no-no. At least until they are between 18 and 24 months old.

There's no reason as to why your little one needs to sleep with a pillow, as they should be sleeping flat on their backs – as recommended by the AAP.

Loose bedding, like pillows, blankets, and duvets, poses a big risk of suffocation and overheating for babies.

All you need is to fit the crib with a mattress, a mattress protector, and fitted bed sheets. You should put your baby in a baby sleeping bag or onesie for warmth rather than using loose blankets.

You can certainly make the crib or bassinet look sweet with some cute bedding sets, blankets, and toys when your baby isn't in it – but take them out before you lay them down in the crib again.

Why Won't My Baby Sleep in Their Bassinet?

So, you've got the timing sorted – your baby can sleep in their crib overnight straight away with no worries. But what if they just won't do it?

It's a common problem that many parents face, so don't pin it down to bad parenting or your child not liking their new bed.

Some of the most common reasons why your baby won't sleep in their bassinet are:

  • They just need to adjust – it's a big change from being in the womb to a big open space

  • You need to establish or alter their sleep routine – try to stick to a consistent bedtime and nap time routine in line with their sleep cues

  • They're hungry – ensure your baby is well-fed before putting them down for the night or nap

  • They're too hot or cold – dress your baby suitably depending on the room temperature, and use a fan or central heating to regulate the climate

  • They're not tired enough – try altering their nap times or bedtime if they wake up during the night

  • They have reflux, colic, or other health issues – speak to your pediatrician if you think your baby is suffering from any medical conditions

We have an entire article with our tips on getting your baby to sleep in their crib, which we suggest checking out if you're facing this problem.

When Should You Transition Baby from Crib to Bed?

Fast-forward some months, and your little one will be ready to enter the next big milestone – transitioning from crib to bed.

For parents using the SnüzPod4, you should transition your baby to a bigger bed when...

  • They reach 6 months of age

  • They exceed the 20lbs weight limit

  • They can sit up unaided or reach up to the side of the crib

  • They are able to pull themselves up or climb out of the crib

These are all signs that your little one is ready for a bigger, more independent bed.

Lowering the crib setting during these stages can help prolong the use of your SnüzPod4, but once they reach these milestones, it's time to move them onto a bigger bed.

Conclusion: Practice Safe Crib-Sleeping With Your Baby

So, to wrap it all up, you now know that your baby can sleep in their crib overnight from day 1.

But it's recommended to have them room-sharing for the first 6-12 months of their life, and you should never leave them unattended during this time.

Remember to keep the crib clear of pillows and blankets until they are at least 18-24 months old, and always ensure your baby is dressed appropriately for the room temperature.

If you ever have any concerns or questions about using your SnüzPod4 or general sleep concerns, our team is always on hand to help. We're here to help you where we can!

Please note: the guidelines in this article are specific to the SnüzPod4 and current guidelines, which are subject to change as more research and evidence come to light. Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines for safe use of your specific crib, and consult with your pediatrician for any medical concerns.


Can My Baby Sleep in Their Crib Straight Away?

Yes, your baby can sleep in their crib from birth. However, it's recommended to room-share for the first 6-12 months.

How Long Can Baby Sleep in a Crib?

You should move your baby from a crib to a bigger bed once they reach 6 months old, exceed the weight limit, or can sit up unaided or climb out of the crib.

Should Newborns Sleep in a Crib During the Day?

Yes, your baby can certainly sleep in their crib during the day and should follow the same guidelines for overnight sleeping, such as room-sharing and not being left unattended.

When Can Baby Sleep in a Regular Bed?

Babies can move to a bigger bed after 6 months old or once they exceed the weight limit of their crib.