How to Create Your Ideal Baby Sleep Routine: Newborn to 6 Months

How to Create Your Ideal Baby Sleep Routine: Newborn to 6 Months

Figuring out a good sleep routine for your baby in these first 6 months is super important. Not only does it make your baby more content and rested, but it also helps you as a parent get some much-needed ZZZs, too! A well-rested baby is a happy baby, after all.

Every newborn is different, and there's no real way of knowing what works for them without some trial and error. With that being said, there are some general tips and tricks that can help you create the perfect sleep routine for your little one – and we’re going to share them with you.

Whether you’re settling them down in one of our SnüzPod4 bedside cribs or a bassinet, these tips will help you establish a baby sleep routine that works for both baby and parents.

Example of Bedtime Routines for Baby By Age: Newborn to 6 Months

We’ve broken down rough sleep routines suitable for each developmental age, including wake windows, to help give you a little bit of guidance.

Remember, all babies are different and develop at different rates, so don’t panic if your little one is out of sync with these stages.

Age Group Amount of Sleep Needed / Day Wake Windows Routine Tips
Newborn (0-2 Months) 14-17 hours a day, divided across several periods of sleep cycles As a newborn, wake windows should be between 45-60 minutes.

Between 1-2 months, wake windows should be 1-2 hours.
- Feed on demand, typically every 2-3 hours, including at night
- Use a soft, dim light for nighttime feeds to keep sleep cues consistent
- Gentle rocking & cuddling to establish bedtime associations
- Swaddle your baby to mimic the womb & encourage sleep
2-4 Months Approximately 12-16 hours, including naps

Start to develop a more predictable pattern of sleep
Between 2-4 months, your baby should be awake for 75 minutes - 2.5 hours. - Consistent bedtime around 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
- Establish a pre-sleep routine with activities like a bath & lullaby
- Introduce a bedtime story to signal it's time for sleep
- Begin to teach the difference between day & night, with brighter lights & more noise during the day
4-6 Months Nighttime sleep becomes longer, with around 11-15 hours of sleep & fewer night feeds By 4-6 months, your baby should be awake for 2-4 hours between naps. - Sleep routines become more established, with consistent wake-up times & bedtimes
- Encourage self-soothing by putting baby down drowsy but awake
- Create a predictable bedtime routine lasting about 30 minutes to help signal to baby that it's time for sleep
- Consider introducing a comfort object like a small baby-safe blanket or toy

What is a “wake window”? - The term “wake window” simply refers to the period of time your baby is awake between naps or periods of sleep. Understanding these windows can help you plan your baby’s sleep cycles more easily.

Our Sleep Experts’ Tips on Creating a Sleep Routine for Baby

Each baby is their own little person with their own likes and dislikes, so the sleep routine you have with your baby will be unique to you. But our baby sleep experts know a thing or two about creating routines that encourage healthy sleep habits, so we've compiled some tips to help you out!

These tips work fantastically with our SnüzPod4 crib, helping you get the full use and benefits of our award-winning design, but they can be adapted to work with any crib or sleeping arrangement that suits you and your baby.

Discover more about our one-of-a-kind bedside crib – now available in the US!

#1 Sensory Relaxation Before Bed

Soothing your baby before bedtime through sensory relaxation is a wonderful way to create a calm and comforting experience. It’s tiring work being a baby, and with all the new sights, sounds, and smells they experience during the day, it's important to help them wind down before bed.

Gentle movements, soft sounds, and calming colors and textures can all contribute to a serene environment.

Avoid sudden movements and loud noises, instead opting for a soft night light and quiet lullabies to enhance the ambiance.

#2 Dream Feeding for Improved Sleep

Many parents find that napping and feeding go hand-in-hand for babies, which is why some introduce dream feeding to help their babies sleep longer.

Dream feeding involves gently waking your baby up enough to allow them to feed in a semi-upright position before putting them back to sleep. Although it might seem counterintuitive to wake a sleeping baby, dream feeding could help them stay full longer and sleep more peacefully, helping you both get more rest through the night.

Keep in mind that dream feeding doesn't work for every parent and baby. Speak with your pediatrician or healthcare provider before trying dream feeding to ensure you're doing it safely.

#3 Gentle Movement

Many parents lovingly rock their precious babies to sleep. This is an instinctual technique that has been used for generations.

The rocking motion provides your little one with comfort as they peacefully drift off to dreamland. It mimics the movements they felt in the womb and can help soothe them when they're feeling fussy.

You can rock your baby in your arms, but transferring them to their crib or bassinet runs the risk of them stirring, and you have to start again.

SnüzPod4's innovative rocking stand makes it super convenient to rock your newborn to sleep. Simply rock the stand – albeit gently – to create a soothing motion that lulls your baby into a peaceful slumber.

Not only is this a great way to get your baby to sleep, but it's also a useful tool for calming them down if they wake in the middle of the night. Rather than picking them up and risking waking them even more, you can gently rock their SnüzPod4 and soothe them back to the land of nod.

#4 Relaxing Bath

Incorporating a soothing bath into your baby's bedtime routine creates a special bonding opportunity and the ideal method of relaxing your little one for the night.

Gently rinsing and dabbing them with warm water, followed by drying and dressing them in a cozy sleeping bag, can create a special and relaxing experience for both of you that sets them up for a restful night's sleep.

#5 Baby Massage

Including a baby massage in the bedtime routine is a great way to keep your baby's skin soft and moisturized. It's also a fantastic opportunity to bond with your little one and help them feel sleepy before resting in their SnüzPod4.

Baby massages can be a tranquil ritual. Use gentle, rhythmic strokes, mimicking a heart's beat. Focus on one area at a time, softly massaging your baby's back, arms, legs, chest, and belly.

Use a mild, baby-friendly oil to reduce friction, and ensure the room is warm so your baby remains comfortable.

To ensure you're using the correct techniques, it's always a good idea to consult a professional. Remember to choose gentle and safe products for your baby's delicate skin.

#6 Story Time

Even though your newborn won't understand the words and stories you read to them, speaking in hushed tones before naptime can signal that it's time to sleep.

Reading a storybook is one of our favorite ways to create this soothing atmosphere. It's also a great way to instill a love of reading into your child and improve their vocabulary from the earliest possible age.

Our SnüzPod Storage Pocket allows you to keep cherished storybooks within easy reach, making this special routine even more convenient.

How the SnüzPod Bedside Crib Helps Your Baby's Sleep Routine

The SnüzPod4 bedside crib is the perfect sleep solution for your baby. Thoughtfully designed to enhance your baby's sleep routine, ensuring they feel snug and secure throughout the night.

Its adjustable height feature aligns perfectly with your bed, and bedside mode makes nighttime feeds and cuddles effortless without having to leave the comfort of your own bed.

The clever zip-down mesh wall provides a breathable system and a safe boundary for co-sleeping arrangements while still promoting your baby's independence in their own cozy space. The innovative ComfortAir™ system base ventilation helps regulate your baby's temperature through the night.

The SnüzPod bassinet creates a comforting environment, allowing for longer and more restorative sleep. With its soft mattress and sturdy wooden structure, this crib offers a sanctuary of comfort that encourages a settled slumber, night after night.

Add a Snüz mattress protector to keep your little one's bed hygienic and even more cozy!

You can rest easy knowing that the SnüzPod4 is made with natural and organic materials, ensuring the best for your little one.

Conclusion: Find Your Baby’s Perfect Sleep Routine

Every baby is special, and so are their sleep routines. You may find that what helps settle another baby won't work for yours – and that's perfectly fine! Take the time to discover what works best for both of you.

After all, you know your baby better than anyone.

Explore more helpful articles on our Sleep Center blog and find those peaceful moments when you need them the most. Read more of our sleep expert’s advice on baby sleep.


What is the Ideal Sleep Routine for a 4-month-old?

The ideal sleep routine for a 4-month-old typically involves creating a calm environment, establishing a bedtime ritual like reading or a bath, and ensuring they have a consistent bedtime and waking time.

It's often beneficial to encourage self-soothing and to keep nighttime interactions quiet and soothing. It's important to remember that each child may have different needs and to adapt accordingly.

Should a 4-Month-Old Sleep at Night Without Eating?

Most 4-month-olds require one or two night feedings, but some can sleep for 8 to 12 hours straight. The total night-time sleep duration typically ranges from 9 to 12 hours. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

What Type of Mattress is Included With the SnüzPod4 Mini Crib?

SnüzPod4 cribs come with breathable crib mattresses that are the correct size for the crib and are designed to promote temperature regulation for your little one. These mattresses are smaller than the standard crib mattress size to keep your baby safe and comfortable.

When Should I Start My Baby's Bedtime Routine?

It's beneficial to start a bedtime routine as soon as possible. Many parents begin establishing a routine around 6 to 8 weeks, but even newborns can benefit from a consistent and calming pre-sleep process.

What is the Size Difference Between a Mini Crib & Standard Crib?

Sleeping with the SnüzPod side down is safe as the zip-down mesh wall acts as a barrier, preventing your baby from rolling into the bed while still allowing easy access for comforting and feeding.

Always ensure the SnüzPod is securely attached to the bed according to our instructions.

How Long Can a Baby Sleep In A Snüzpod Bassinet?

A baby can typically sleep in a SnüzPod4 until they are six months old or reach a maximum weight of 9kg, whichever comes first. After this point, transitioning to a suitable cot is recommended for safety.