A Parent's Guide to Transitioning From Bassinet to Crib

A Parent's Guide to Transitioning From Bassinet to Crib

Transitioning your little one from their bassinet to a crib can understandably feel a little daunting. After all, it’s a significant milestone for both of you. However, babies are more adaptable than we think, and although it’s natural to be apprehensive, with a bit of patience, this transition can go more smoothly than anticipated.

Here at Snuz, we've used our wealth of knowledge of baby sleep to put together this handy parent's guide to help you through one of the first big transitional periods of parenthood. Here are some questions, thoughts and suggestions to help navigate the bassinet-to-crib transition with ease.

What's the Difference Between a Bassinet and a Crib?


A bassinet and a crib, though similar in purpose, are different in terms of design, longevity, and functionality.

A bassinet is a small, cozy bed designed specifically for infants up to a few months old. Its compact nature allows for easy portability and proximity to parents, thereby ensuring the baby's safety and comfort during the early stages.

On the other hand, a crib is a larger, sturdier structure that accommodates a child from infancy to toddlerhood. With its high rails for safety, a crib provides ample space for the child to grow, allowing for greater longevity of use. It can comfortably cater to a child's needs until they are ready to transition to a bed.

Both options, when used responsibly, provide a safe sleep environment for your little one.

When to Transition From Bassinet to Crib


The most important question you'll have as new parents is when to move your baby to crib sleeping instead of bassinet sleeping.

The best time to transition your baby from a bassinet to a crib can vary greatly, largely depending on individual circumstances and development. However, there are common indicators to look out for that can signal it’s time for a change.

Generally, the transition occurs when your baby starts to outgrow the bassinet, which can be as early as three months or as late as six months. Another clear sign is if your baby has begun to roll over or sit up on their own, as the bassinet may no longer provide adequate safety.

Infants that have outgrown the maximum weight limit of the bassinet also require transitioning to a crib. Ultimately, it's important to observe your child's individual development and comfort to decide the right moment for the transition.

How to Transition Baby to Crib Sleeping


As a new parent, having to move your baby from their familiar bassinet to a seemingly grown-up crib can be a daunting and overwhelming process. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to help make the process a little more seamless for both you and your baby.

Our top 5 sleep suggestions for transitioning from bassinet to crib sleeping:

Get your baby familiar with their new crib
Make the crib smell familiar with fabric softener or clothing
Play soothing sounds when baby is in the crib to help them settle
Be consistent with having your baby sleep in the crib instead of the bassinet
Take things one step at a time instead of implementing multiple changes

Get Your Baby Familiar With The Crib

Acclimating your baby to their crib before attempting to get them to sleep in it is a crucial step in the transition process. This familiarisation fosters a sense of safety and comfort in your baby, reducing the potential anxiety or resistance that may come with the new environment.

The crib, unlike the bassinet, is a much larger space that could initially seem intimidating to your little one. By introducing the crib during wakeful periods, perhaps for play or short daytime naps, your baby will gradually associate it with positive experiences.

For example, if your little one sleeps in a SnuzPod4, consider placing the bassinet in the new crib for brief naps to ease the transition.

This step-by-step approach can significantly ease the transition, making the crib a familiar and safe sleeping environment when the time comes to switch from the bassinet permanently.

Put The Scent Of Sleep On The Crib Sheet

Babies have heightened senses, and smell is one they rely on significantly. Infants associate certain smells with comfort and safety, particularly those familiar to them. Therefore, incorporating a familiar scent on the crib sheet can work wonders in easing your baby into a new sleeping environment.

You might try using a fabric conditioner or laundry detergent you usually use for washing baby items or perhaps a parent's worn but clean t-shirt for the bedding (Just make sure it's secure and won't come loose as your baby sleeps). This scent will evoke a sense of familiarity and security for your baby, making the crib feel more like 'home'.

At Snuz, we sell a range of crib bedding sets made from breathable jersey cotton to give your little one a comfortable night’s sleep. You can choose from plain or patterned options to suit your baby’s nursery.

The idea is to make this new environment smell like the old, familiar one, assisting in decreasing potential anxiety and promoting a better night's sleep. Remember, it's essential to ensure the scent is not too strong or overpowering, as this may cause discomfort for your little one.

Soothing Sounds

Infants are often comforted by certain sounds that imitate the rhythmic noise they hear while in the womb. When these sounds are played at a low volume, it can help create a calming and familiar environment that promotes deeper sleep. It's an effective method for blocking out other potential disturbances while also triggering a relaxation response in the baby's brain. This, in turn, helps your baby settle down faster, sleep more deeply, and wake up less often in the night.

Some common soothing sounds include:

● Ocean sounds
● White noise
● Pink noise
● Whale music
● Soft lullabies

You might be familiar with white noise, but at Snuz, we’re big fans of pink noise for soothing your baby. Like white noise, pink noise breaks up the silence with a steady background sound that helps calm the mind.

Unlike the higher frequency of white noise (think hairdryer or fan buzz), pink noise operates at a lower frequency. This produces a softer, deeper sound reminiscent of ocean waves or a heartbeat, closely mimicking the sounds your baby would have heard in the womb.

It’s an ideal choice to help your baby settle as it changes environments. If you haven't already introduced pink noise into their sleep routine, consider doing so for all sleep times at least 3-4 days before the transition.

Be Crib Consistent

Being consistent with having your baby sleep in their new crib is paramount in making the transition smoother. The familiarity of a routine can significantly help babies feel secure and steady amidst the changes, and this includes their sleep environment.

When you have decided to make the move from the bassinet to the crib, it's essential to let your baby sleep in the crib consistently, even for naps. This helps reinforce the crib as their new sleep space, fostering an association between the crib and sleep time.

It may take a few days or even weeks for your little one to fully adjust their sleep cycles, but maintaining consistency sends a clear, comforting message that the crib is a safe, comforting place for sleep.

Oscillating between the bassinet and crib could be confusing for your child and prolong the transition period. Remember, babies thrive on routine, and a consistent sleep environment forms a crucial part of this routine.

One Step At a Time

Introducing one major change at a time is crucial when dealing with babies. Their small world is largely defined by consistency, and sudden changes can be overwhelming, often leading to stress and instability.

By implementing one change at a time, you allow your baby to process the new experiences at their own pace, minimising potential disruption to their comfort and routine. This approach fosters a sense of security while gradually guiding them towards accepting new routines or environments.

This is particularly important when transitioning from a bassinet to a crib, ensuring that your child slowly acclimatises to the larger sleeping environment without feeling overwhelmed by too many changes at once.

Remember, patience is key in this process. Don't rush or force the transition; let your baby set the pace. This way, you'll find that the transition is not only easier for your baby but also less stressful for you as a parent.

Our Top Tips For Making the Transition


Transitioning your baby from a bassinet in your bedroom into a crib in their own nursery can be a huge change, not just for your little one but for you as a parent too. Here are some tips to help you and your partner cope with the change in dynamics.

Prepare Yourself Mentally and Emotionally

The transition from bassinet to crib can often be a significant milestone for parents as well as the child. Mental and emotional preparation is crucial to ensuring this process is smooth and not overly stressful.

Firstly, understanding that this is a natural progression and a necessary step towards your child's independence can help to alleviate feelings of apprehension.

Secondly, preparing yourself mentally and emotionally can also influence your child's transition. Infants are quite perceptive and can sense parental anxiety. Therefore, maintaining a calm and confident demeanor can reassure your child, making them feel secure during this new phase.

It is also important to remember that each child is unique, and there is no 'one-size-fits-all' timeline for this transition. Emotional readiness allows you to be patient, empathetic, and responsive to your child's individual needs and pace, ultimately making the transition less daunting for all involved.

Accept It's Going To Take Time

It's essential to accept that the transition from a bassinet to a crib will require time, and rushing the process can lead to unnecessary stress for both the parent and the child. Babies, much like adults, need time to adjust to new environments and routines.

This transition represents a significant change in their small, familiar world. Expecting instant adaptation can be unrealistic and counterproductive. Also, each baby is unique and develops at their own pace; hence a timeline that works for one baby might not work for another.

Patience during this period allows for a smoother, more comfortable transition and creates a positive experience for your child. It's vital to remember that this is a milestone in your baby’s life, not a race to be won.

Understand that there may be some sleep disruption as your baby adjusts to their new crib. Change is strange, and it's normal for your baby to wake up or move around more while settling into their new environment. This phase is usually temporary and will settle and improve with time.

Be Kind To Yourself

During this transitional phase, parents must show kindness to themselves. As much as this is a period of change for your baby, it's equally a period of adjustment for you. It's natural for you to feel a range of emotions - from anxiety about your baby's comfort to sadness about them growing up so quickly.

Ensuring you treat yourself with compassion is key to managing these emotions effectively. Remember, there's no perfect way to navigate this transition, and there's no rush.

Each family finds what works best for them in their own time. You're doing an incredible job, and it's important to remind yourself of this. So, take deep breaths, allow yourself grace for any hiccups along the way, and celebrate this new milestone in your parenting journey.

Try not to compare yourself to other parents; there is no one better for your baby than you.

Perfect Your Baby's Sleep Space With Snuz

Transitioning your baby from bassinet sleeping is a huge move that can be daunting, but with a little patience and time, your little one will be sleeping in their new crib in their own room in no time. While realizing your little ones aren't newborns anymore can be a big step, the transition to sleeping in cribs can be the start of a better night's sleep for you and your baby.

Shop for the ideal crib for your little one at Snuz to nail their bedtime routine.

Explore more helpful articles on our Sleep Centre blog and find the peaceful moments when you need them most.


When Should Baby Sleep in a Crib and Not Bassinet?

The appropriate time to transition your baby from a bassinet to a crib varies based on individual development. Usually, it occurs when the baby outgrows the bassinet, begins to roll over or sit up independently, or surpasses the bassinet's maximum weight limit. These signs typically appear between three to six months. Always monitor your child's comfort and safety to decide the optimal time for transition.

Do Babies Have a Hard Time Transitioning From Bassinet to Crib?

Transitions can be challenging for babies, including the switch from a bassinet to a crib. This change in sleeping environment can initially cause unease and disrupt sleep patterns. However, each baby's response varies. Some might adjust smoothly, while others may take longer. Utilising familiar scents and soothing sounds and maintaining consistent routines can significantly ease the transition and minimise potential difficulties.

How Do You Transition a Breastfed Baby to a Crib?

Transitioning a breastfed baby to a crib involves establishing a consistent sleep routine, including feeding. Begin by introducing the crib during wakeful periods. Gradually shift breastfeeding times so they precede sleep time but aren't too close to it. This way, the baby gets used to falling asleep without being nursed, a step towards self-soothing. Patience and consistency are key; changes should be incremental to avoid overwhelming the baby.

At What Age Do Babies Outgrow a Bassinet?

Typically, babies outgrow a bassinet between three to six months. However, this can vary significantly depending on the baby's size, mobility, and developmental milestones. Key signs your baby has outgrown the bassinet include reaching the weight limit, being able to roll over or sit up independently, or appearing uncomfortable due to limited space. Always prioritise your baby's safety and comfort when deciding to transition to a crib.

How Long Does it Take to Transition Baby From Bassinet to Crib?

The transition period from a bassinet to a crib varies greatly among babies, largely dependent on individual temperament and consistency of routine. While some may adjust within a few days, others may take weeks. It's crucial to introduce the change gradually and maintain a consistent routine to foster a smooth transition. Remember, each baby is unique and will adapt at their own pace. Patience, understanding, and persistence are key during this transition period.